max_stack_size - Sets the maximum slot-size of an OraxenItem
enchantment_glint_override - Sets an override-state for the enchantment glint
fire_resistant - Sets whether this OraxenItem is immune to fire and lava
durability - Sets the durability of this OraxenItem
hide_tooltip - Hides all tooltips from the given OraxenItem on hover
consumable - Makes this item consumable with several different properties
food - Makes this (consumable) item increase saturation and nutrition
jukebox_playable - Lets this item be inserted into a Jukebox and play a given song
show_in_tooltip - Show song-info in Item-Tooltip
song_key - The key of the song (Custom songs requires datapacks)
equippable - Make this item equippable like armor
damage_resistant - Specify a damage-type this item is invulnerable to
If you want to do multiple damage-types, you need a datapack with a new custom tag
enchantable - Set the maximum enchantment-cost for this item in an enchanting table
glider - Allows the player to glide, like with elytra, when equipped
item_model - The base-model for this item, can replace custom_model_data
References model in assets/<namespace>/models/item/<model> -> item_model: namespace:model
tooltip_style - Style of the items tooltip
References custom sprite-background at assets/<namespace>/textures/gui/sprites/tooltip/<id>_background
References custom sprite-frame at assets/<namespace>/textures/gui/sprites/tooltip/<id>_frame
use_cooldown - Applies a cooldown to all matching items when used
use_remainder - Replaces the item with a remainder item if its stack count has decreased after use
Example of all the above properties:
itemname: <gradient:#4B36B1:#6699FF>My Item
enchantment_glint_override: false
durability: 10
# if the material above isnt a normal tool, but say PAPER
# The item will not have its durability lowered by actions by default
# Example of making the tool lower its durability from hitting entities and breaking blocks
# value: 10
# damage_block_break: true
# damage_entity_hit: true
max_stack_size: 10
fire_resistant: true
hide_tooltip: true
#damage_per_block: # Optional, defaults to 1
#default_mining_speed: # Optional, defaults to 1.0
- speed: 1.0
correct_for_drops: true # If mining the given blocks should drop or not
material: DIAMOND_BLOCK # The material this rule applies to, also supports list format
# List of all tags can be found at
tag: minecraft:mineable/axe # The block-tag this rule applies to, also supports list format
# - minecraft:mineable/axe
# - minecraft:mineable/shovel
nutrition: 2
saturation: 2
#can_always_eat: false # Optional, default is false
damage_resistant: is_fire
enchantable: 1
glider: true
item_model: minecraft:example #`assets/minecraft/models/item/example.json`
tooltip_style: minecraft:example #`assets/minecraft/textures/gui/sprites/tooltip/example_(background & frame)`
#minecraft_type: DIAMOND
#crucible_item: crucibleid
#eco_item: ecoid
#mmoitems_id: id
#mmoitems_type: type
oraxen_item: itemid
seconds: 1.2 #Default is 1.0
group: oraxen:example #Default is `oraxen:itemid`, set to ""-blank to affect by material
slot: HEAD
#model: minecraft:example Optional, primarily useful for Custom-Armor
#camera_overlay: minecraft:example Optional, used by carved_pumpkin etc, example; `assets/minecraft/textures/example.png`
#equip_sound: item.armor.equip_chain
#allowed_entities: Optional, defaults to all entities
#dispensable: true Optional, default is true
#swappable: true Optional, default is true
#damage_on_hurt: true Optional, default is true
max_stack_size - Sets the maximum slot-size of an OraxenItem
enchantment_glint_override - Sets an override-state for the enchantment glint
fire_resistant - Sets whether this OraxenItem is immune to fire and lava
durability - Sets the durability of this OraxenItem
hide_tooltip - Hides all tooltips from the given OraxenItem on hover
food - Makes this item consumable with several different properties
jukebox_playable - Lets this item be inserted into a Jukebox and play a given song
show_in_tooltip - Show song-info in Item-Tooltip
song_key - The key of the song (Custom songs requires datapacks)
Example of all the above properties:
itemname: <gradient:#4B36B1:#6699FF>My Item
enchantment_glint_override: false
durability: 10
# if the material above isnt a normal tool, but say PAPER
# The item will not have its durability lowered by actions by default
# Example of making the tool lower its durability from hitting entities and breaking blocks
# value: 10
# damage_block_break: true
# damage_entity_hit: true
max_stack_size: 10
fire_resistant: true
hide_tooltip: true
damage_per_block: # Optional, defaults to 1
default_mining_speed: # Optional, defaults to 1.0
- speed: 1.0
correct_for_drops: true # If mining the given blocks should drop or not
material: DIAMOND_BLOCK # The material this rule applies to, also supports list format
# List of all tags can be found at
tag: minecraft:mineable/axe # The block-tag this rule applies to, also supports list format
# - minecraft:mineable/axe
# - minecraft:mineable/shovel
nutrition: 2
saturation: 2
can_always_eat: false # Optional, default is false
eat_seconds: 1.6 # Optional, default is 1.6
replacement: # Optional, 1.21+ only, null if not specified (aka no replacement)
#minecraft_type: DIAMOND
#crucible_item: crucibleid
#eco_item: ecoid
#mmoitems_id: id
#mmoitems_type: type
oraxen_item: itemid
duration: 10 # In seconds, default is 20
amplifier: 1
ambient: false
show_icon: true
show_particles: true
probability: 50
show_in_tooltip: true
max_stack_size - Sets the maximum slot-size of an OraxenItem
enchantment_glint_override - Sets an override-state for the enchantment glint
fire_resistant - Sets whether this OraxenItem is immune to fire and lava
durability - Sets the durability of this OraxenItem
hide_tooltip - Hides all tooltips from the given OraxenItem on hover
food - Makes this item consumable with several different properties
Example of all the above properties:
itemname: <gradient:#4B36B1:#6699FF>My Item
enchantment_glint_override: false
durability: 10
# if the material above isnt a normal tool, but say PAPER
# The item will not have its durability lowered by actions by default
# Example of making the tool lower its durability from hitting entities and breaking blocks
# value: 10
# damage_block_break: true
# damage_entity_hit: true
max_stack_size: 10
fire_resistant: true
hide_tooltip: true
damage_per_block: # Optional, defaults to 1
default_mining_speed: # Optional, defaults to 1.0
- speed: 1.0
correct_for_drops: true # If mining the given blocks should drop or not
material: DIAMOND_BLOCK # The material this rule applies to, also supports list format
# List of all tags can be found at
tag: minecraft:mineable/axe # The block-tag this rule applies to, also supports list format
# - minecraft:mineable/axe
# - minecraft:mineable/shovel
nutrition: 2
saturation: 2
can_always_eat: false # Optional, default is false
eat_seconds: 1.6 # Optional, default is 1.6
replacement: # Optional, 1.21+ only, null if not specified (aka no replacement)
#minecraft_type: DIAMOND
#crucible_item: crucibleid
#eco_item: ecoid
#mmoitems_id: id
#mmoitems_type: type
oraxen_item: itemid
duration: 10 # In seconds, default is 20
amplifier: 1
ambient: false
show_icon: true
show_particles: true
probability: 50
This allows you to easily copy properties from a template-item onto other items.
In the template item:
This allows Oraxen to know recognise the item, it is by default set to true and you should not have to change it. If you do it anyway, the mechanics of the items will no longer work.
injectID: false
Disable Enchanting
This options allows you to prevent an item from being enchanted via anvils or enchantment tables.
This does not prevent enchantments from being applied in the config.
disable_enchanting: true
This option allows you to exclude an item from the oraxen inventory. It will no longer be displayed but you can still get it using oraxen give command. It is useful for items used in other plugins like inventory icons.
excludeFromInventory: true
This will make your item unbreakable (for real, using minecraft dedicated property).
unbreakable: true
This allows you to set ItemFlags to an item, get the list of available flags here.
This allows you to add custom Potion Effects to your potion. Get the list of available effects here.
# - type: Get the list here:
# - duration: in ticks
# - amplifier: potion effects level
# - ambient: true/false, makes potion effect produce more, translucent, particles.
# - particles: true/false, whether this effect has particles or not
# - icon: true/false, whether this effect has an icon or not
- { type: WITHER,
duration: 200,
amplifier: 2,
ambient: false,
particles: true,
icon: true }
This allows you to add minecraft attributes to your item. They are very powerful and allow you to make an item that adds hearts, increases the player's speed, etc. Get the list of available attributes here.
# - attribute: Get the list here:
# - operations: 0 for ADD_NUMBER, 1 for ADD_SCALAR, 2 for MULTIPLY_SCALAR_1;
amount: 0.1,
operation: 0,
slot: HAND
If you want to enchant your item (even with non vanilla levels like for example sharpness 15), you can do it with this section.